29 October 2016

Back on track.

The month is coming to an end.
The hardest month of my life.
Yesterday was the last day at my old job. Now I'm selling books for a living. And I'm free. Free from all the pressure and crazy people.
I'm free. And I smile when I come back home. I smile like I've never smiled. Of course, I am tired. But I'm not tortured anymore.
It's such a relief, you can't even imagine! 
I'm a new person and life is easier like this. My meds are working really fine and I'm more than stable. 
Is it a dream?
I think that my work just finally paid off and all hard decisions I had to make were good.
Sometimes life gives us a very huge lemon. Maybe I didn't make any lemonade but at least I put it into my cup of tea. That's something and I'm really proud of myself. That I was able, that I was strong enough to make a change.
Few months ago such things were unimaginable for me. I was a wreck and a slowly dying ghost.
Oh please, never again.

Here, have some nice music.

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